Zoë's Chest (again)

Zoë and Paul popped in to the shop on Saturday - although Paul cycled all the way from Rugby, so 'popped' isn't really the word for it... We thought Paul deserved a cuppa and a flapjack for his efforts:
Well done Paul! We were most impressed. We're saving a nice soft seat for him at knit and natter tomorrow night, in case he hasn't yet fully recovered...

Zoë was good enough to flash her chest for us again! Inspired by our felt brooch kit (we like to take credit where we can), she has gone on to design her own woodland animal felt brooches!

 Aren't they the cutest thing? We're hoping Zoë will make some more for us to sell in the shop. I've already bagsied an owl from the first batch...

Berylune, 45 Park Street, Leamington Spa CV32 4QN. www.berylune.co.uk