Our upstairs showroom


6pm - 8pm

Join us for drinks, nibbles and plenty of festive fun as we invite you to preview our Christmas range.

Come and celebrate with us!

As you might have guessed, we have been working hard behind the scenes to get a new shop space open. We think we are finally there... Of course, we work far better with a deadline, so here it is! 

We are excited to invite you to the grand opening of our upstairs showroom here at Berylune in Leamington Spa this Thursday evening, 19th October, between 6pm and 8pm.

There will be mulled wine and festive treats. 'Why festive treats?' you might ask. Because, not only do we have a whole new shop space to show you, but a good deal of our beautiful Christmas stock will be on display and available for you to peruse on the night.

Christmas launches online

If you can't make it, don't worry! Everything will be online for you to browse from 6pm on Thursday 19th October. If you're planning to visit, our upstairs showroom will be open for you on an ongoing basis. Hurrah!


Are you running a promotion on the night?

No, but we would be pleased to chat with you about our Loyalty Rewards Scheme, which allows you to earn up to 20% discount!

I can't make it on Thursday, will I get to see upstairs another day?

Don't worry, once upstairs is open it will stay open, so you can pop by for a browse at your leisure.

I live a bit far away, but I'm SO EXCITED about Christmas, when can I see your seasonal goodies?

Fear not, most of our Christmas offering will be available on the website from 6pm on Thursday.

Most? Why not all?

Well, we are still waiting for a few deliveries! But we'll let you know when things start to arrive via email or over on Instagram.

Is the evening event open to children?

We are serving alcohol, so the event is tailored more to parents and Elves!

I don't cope well with stairs, what is the access like?

There are two steps between street level and the back of our shop. Beyond this, we have a wide staircase with hand rails; it isn't overly steep, but it is quite long as we have high ceilings. If you require any assistance we are more than happy to help. We regret that not all of Berylune is accessible to everyone, so we work really hard to make sure almost everything is available on the website; if you have seen something online that you'd like to see in person, one of our friendly staff will gladly bring you anything you'd like to see! If you'd like to book a private shopping appointment, we'd be pleased to accommodate you out of hours, pop us an email at mail@berylune.co.uk and we'll arrange that for you.